Useful Links
We have no affiliation with any of these web sites and are not responsible for their content.
But hope you may find them useful. All links open in a new browser window.
World's largest collectables catalogue and marketplace.
Featuring cigarette cards, postcards, stamps and many other items too. Includes a forum, my wish list and my collection resource.
Collect GB Stamps
Details on the latest forthcoming GB stamp issues, also sections on PO/RM
Posters, prestige booklets, downloads of the Philatelic Bulletin, links etc.
Encyclopaedia Philatelica
A web site with a multilingual encyclopaedia composed of four sections:
people, fauna, flora, geography. Image gallery about iconography,
genealogy, history, art, taxonomy.
Free Stamp Albums
Design your own stamp album pages by inputting required
information and save the page as a pdf file.
Also links to other pre-designed country album leaves, including free!
Philatelic Database
A web site with many interesting features such as stamp profiles,
maps, glossary of terms, directories and a Facebook forum.
Stamp Paradise
The philatelic reference - sell and exchange stamps with other collectors.
Directory listing many dealers, associations and resources.
Stamp World
An online stamp catalogue and much more. Requires a free sign up.
World Stamp Catalogues
An online resource of stamp catalogues, featuring those you can subscribed
to annually, plus free country catalogue listings too.