You are here: Hand Hand Pocket LED Magnifier

Lighthouse Hand Held
Pocket LED Magnifier

A compact hand held pocket magnifier perfect
for travelling with a black plastic body.
Has a 35mm aspherical acrylic lens
giving 7X magnification.
With a white LED Light source giving excellent illumination.
Includes 3 x 'AAA' batteries.
Overall size 120 x 42 x 26mm.

  • lighthouse hand held pocket led magnifier

    Lighthouse Hand Held Pocket LED Magnifier.

  • view from top showing on off switch

    Lighthouse Hand Held Pocket LED Magnifier with LED light switched on.

Lighthouse Hand Held Pocket LED Magnifiers

Hand Held Pocket LED

Lens 35mm
Mag 7X
LED Light
ref: LH-344396
£ 14.95
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